5 Great RE Facts

  • Lending Tree reported on the median size of homes recently. Metro Denver homes came in 22nd place with a median size of 1,676 square feet. We also have a median home price of $411k which means homes are selling for a whopping $245 a square foot. This sounds about right.
  • Whereas in Dallas homeowners pay $117 a square foot for their homes and in Atlanta they pay just $102 per square foot.
  • Nationally, high-end apartment building has increased rapidly since 2012 from 50% of new inventory being high-end to 87% this year.
  • In the city of Denver our share of new construction devoted to luxury apartments hit an astonishing 96% in 2015; but is down to 83% this year.

Just under a third of all apartments in the city of Denver are now high-end, the 9th highest concentration in the country. I believe this happened as hundreds of thousands of Millennials have moved here with high paying jobs.